We would love to see you at the event!
Renfrew’s Charity Gala is one of Calgary’s premiere charity fundraising events. Over the years, this event has raised close to $8.5 million dollars for school buildings, buses, specialized rooms, adaptive equipment and specialized programs and services. At this year’s Gala we will be celebrating our 26th Annual Gala “Building Our Future”.
Purchase Tickets
Tickets can be purchased by following this link to our Givergy Fundraising website: 26th Annual Helping Kids Soar Gala: Building our Future
This is an adult-only event
Become a Sponsor
We would love for you to become a sponsor at our event. For enquiries about sponsorship opportunities, email Janice McTighe, Executive Director, janicemctighe@renfreweducation.org or call her at 403.973.2278. For those of you who have supported us in the past, we greatly appreciate your support and ask that you consider becoming a sponsor for this year’s event.
Click the following link to see what sponsorship opportunities are available: Sponsorship Levels
Silent Auction
Follow this link to make a cash donation to support our Silent Auction: Cash Donation

Our 2024 Gala Sponsors
Thank you to the following sponsors of last year’s 25th Annual Gala celebrating Renfrew’s 50th Anniversary.
As always, we appreciate your ongoing commitment that has allowed us to continue Helping Kids Soar since 1974. Thank you!