Early Childhood Services

Play is a partner to learning, a companion to comprehension and a friend to free expression.

Renfrew’s Early Childhood Services (ECS) program nurtures learning and social skills that last a lifetime. Even among our youngest learners, we foster an environment of enthusiasm, caring, respect and openness to innovative ideas. As an independent school, we modify the curriculum set out by Alberta Education to meet the special needs of our children. This includes a strong focus on early literacy, early numeracy, citizenship, environment and community awareness, personal responsibility, physical well-being, and creative expression.

Renfrew’s ECS program runs half-days Monday to Friday. To best meet the needs of the children, our class sizes are always kept small and a minimum ratio of one adult staff member for every three students is maintained.

Learning through Play

In Renfrew’s Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten classes, learning is done through play! We know that play is vital to a child’s development and essential for healthy emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental growth. We also know that children learn best when they are engaged, interested, and having fun. When a growing child’s brain is stimulated and challenged by play it helps them to push their skills further and practice natural problem solving.

We also believe in nurturing a love of the arts. Our music specialists develop programs to enhance children’s musical skills and understanding, and our teachers plan a wide variety of art projects such as drawing, painting, collage, and play-dough creations to help children develop their creativity and problem-solving abilities. Teachers also provide opportunities for children to experience drama using puppets, role play, dramatic storytelling and other artistic mediums. To enhance physical development and fitness, physical education and movement experiences are incorporated into our programs daily.

Please also see the Assistive Technology program offered at all of our locations. 

Who it’s for

Children ages 2 years 8 months to 5 years as of Sept. 1.


$100.00/month resource fee.

Additional information

ECS runs half days Monday to Friday. Exceptional care is taken to ensure each year of ECS programming is unique.

Locations Offered

Bowness Centre

48 Ave NW
Calgary, AB T3B 2B2

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Janice McTighe Centre

21 St NE
Calgary, AB T2E 6S5

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Child Development Centre

24 Ave NW
Calgary, AB T3B 2X9

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Thomas W. Buchanan Centre

Sunpark Dr SE
Calgary, AB T2X 3V4

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Our son David has made remarkable progress at Renfrew. In these past months, he has developed a sense of self and has gained confidence in his own abilities.
Karen & Jeff, Parents
Get in touch with us

Have any questions or concerns? Contact us and we can clarify and answer them for you.