Did you know that listening, moving or playing music is a great way to help overall mental, emotional and physical health every day?
Certified Music Therapists (MTAs) use music and music-based elements to meet a non-musical goal across a variety of domains. For example, strumming a guitar may encourage rhythmic entrainment by helping the body to regulate. Or improvising to a fast and upbeat tempo, someone can express their feelings of joy or happiness.
Music Therapy is a creative arts-based therapy discipline that can serve as an outlet for self-expression, improve self-awareness and encourage creativity. 🎶 MTAs often collaborate with other therapists or provide music-based supports in the classrooms. These sessions may include active or receptive based music techniques like singing, improvisation, listening or creating purposeful playlists.
You can incorporate more musical moments in class or at home by:
- Using musical cues to signal the beginning and end of the day i.e. incorporate a calming playlist for relaxation before bedtime, a motivation playlist in the morning to energize.
- Selecting familiar tunes to establish a routine or follow direction. Repetitive songs may help children to learn and process.
- Experimenting with genres or different types of music. Musical preferences change with age or development.
- Synchronize mood by transitioning to calming music if someone is dysregulated. By slowing down the tempo of a song, research has shown that it can slow down your heart rate and provide a sense of calm.
- Utilize body percussion or move to action songs to support fine and gross motor skill development.
- Singing festive songs is a great way to connect over the holiday season and share your favorite song or memory about that song.
If you want to know more about how Music Therapy, feel free to reach out to one of our MTA’s Fleur Hughes or Tessa Johns. 🧡
#RenfrewES #MusicTherapy #TherapyThursday